Saturday, February 12, 2011

Gugurnya Seorang Hosni Mubarak!

Salam mahabbah buat semua..

Hari ini dalam sejarah!

Cairo, Egypt (CNN) -- President Hosni Mubarak has decided to stand down as president of Egypt, Vice President Omar Suleiman announced on state television Friday. Suleiman said the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces will "run the affairs of the country." 
Tens of thousands of anti-government protesters exploded in cheers on the streets of Cairo after the announcement. "Egypt is Free!" they chanted - SUMBER CNN

 Selepas 18 hari amukan rakyat Mesir
Selepas beratus-ratus nyawa melayang
Pemimpin persis batu hatinya
Akhirnya akur pada desakan rakyat sendiri
Harap-harap ini berita benar..
Apakah wajah Mesir selepas ini??
Selepas gugurnya seorang Hosni Mubarak! 


  1. semoga mesir kembali aman seperti sediakala dengan berita ini..amin

  2. Eda > Insya Allah..begitulah harapnya. Semoga Allah permudahkan..
