Monday, October 17, 2011

Who Are We To Say Wait?

Saya petik :

“Moreover, we have a beautiful way whereby any civil proceedings which are against Syarak would be adapted according to the Syarak besides bearing in mind that not all civil proceedings are contrary to Syarak. May be, this is rarely found elsewhere. And if it is true, then it is unique to Brunei,” His Majesty said.

“Law is a knowledge and system, which is unique, very beautiful and certainly preferred when understood. If it’s not understood, it would be hated. This is the rational behind the laws of Allah the Almighty.

“But since people do not want to understand it, the law is seen as bad and frightening. Praise to Allah the Almighty, we are guided by Him to see clearly the beauty of the law.

“What else is there to wait for? We already have a magnificent court building, many experts have been produced and that the nation has achieved its independence. What else?” asked His Majesty.

Tahniah Brunei! Malaysia, bila lagi? 


  1. Salam Ummu Ammar....hmmmmm....kita tunggulah!!!!

  2. Mudah2han, satu hari nanti terlaksana jua di negara kita ini.. :D

  3. Wah!!!

    Kita tunggu Malaysia...
    Malaysia Boleh?

  4. Kak Ani, Zefa & Nae..

    Insya Allah. Hudud adalah hukum Allah. Allah mengetahui lebih dari apa yang manusia tahu. Kenali hudud dan cintai hudud dgn mengkajinya dan jangan membenci tanpa mengetahui apa itu hudud yg sebenarnya.

    Hudud adalah penyelesaian kpd masalah sosial yg semakin tenat skrg terutamanya penzinaan dlln..

    Sampai bila kita harus tunggu?
    Sampai kita ditimpa bala?
    Sampai kiamat?
    Wal iyazubillah min zalik

  5. setuju sangat, zaman sekarang manusia semakin kejam
